A conversation with an astronaut

On the 7 of December 2020 between 5:52 p.m. and 6:02 p.m., we were able to record for the first time an Amateur Radio contact between Astronaut Shannon Walker on board of the ISS (Callsign KD5DXB) and Athlone Community College, (in Athlone, Ireland).

The communication took place via very high frequency radio wave (VHF) at the following frequency 145.800 MHz (+/- 3 KHz Doppler) in narrow band FM.
The interview was conducted in English by an Irish station (EI1ISS) and therefore audible from France.
This type of contact is managed by ARISS (Amateur Radio on International Space Station. If you want more information on this area we recommend that you go to their site: https://www.ariss.org/
ARISS-F working group is tasked by the REF & AMSAT-F associations whose members come from it. It provides support to teams wishing to establish amateur radio contact between a school and an astronaut aboard the International Space Station (ISS).
Our experimental setting:
Our antennas were set on the minimum approach point of the ISS corresponding to the TCA of 3:57 p.m. (Time of Closest Approach):
- Azimuth 2,5° (Nord)
- Elevation 49°
We then recorded the passage with the free software Audacity, via our ICOM 9100 radio receiver, making an automatic recording schedule.

The audio of Astronaut Shannon Walker is audible for approximately 2 and a half minutes and only corresponds to the answers to questions made by the operator of the Irish station. (You will not hear the question theme self).
Please find the audio below.
Article written by Daniel Kalinowski, head of the UPEC Space Campus ground station